California Body and Skin Care Presents the Eva-Marie Revitalizing Skin Care Line - Great Products! NO fancy names!!


A message for you from the scientist who created our White Line formulas….

“Your skin expresses health, mood, feelings, even your temper. It is part of your individual aura, your first line of protection, and a connection to your surroundings.

You should take loving care of your skin.

Be diligent in the correct application of your skin care, and you will be rewarded with a glowing, healthy skin.”

All California Body and Skin Care products were designed with these thoughts in mind.

Developed by Dr. Hans Werner Heinrich, a noted and well-respected German scientist, California Body and Skin Care products are made from the finest, purest, and most potent essential oils and extracts.

Dr. Heinrich holds two doctorates and is a distinguished Professor specializing in Immunology and Virology. Dr. Heinrich created each of the California Body and Skin Care  products with the highest level of integrity and quality. German avant garde technology is used for our extractions, and our formulations are based on scientific evidence.

Eva-Marie Skin Care will support your skin from inside your body, rather than simply sit on top of it.

Prof. Dr. Hans Werner Heinrich
Dr. Hans-Werner Heinrich